Web Design

I was hired by a local start-up to design a website to represent the company.

This was one of my first times creating a website from scratch, but I was ready for the challenge.

The website needed to be easy to navigate, be aesthetically pleasing, and portray the company in a professional manner. I created a variety of different site layouts, while using other websites in the industry as a reference point. After the first iteration, we held a meeting where the stakeholders discussed which design they liked best, and I received feedback on each layout.  Following this, I created several more iterations of designs, taking into consideration stakeholder preferences, until we were able to settle on a design that they liked and that I was satisfied with. The final site features a top links bar, an image slideshow on each main page, and custom modules for their various services.


Prototype basic layout, possible colour schemes, and research user browsing  tendencies to optimize design


Receive feedback and opinions on basic design components from friends, coworkers, etc


Meet with stakeholders for design preferences and to receive feedback on current designs


Create several designs with various colour schemes, features, and layouts